Lorenza Sannai
Lorenza Sannai, was born in Sardinia.
Lives and works in USA and Italy.
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Solo (S) Group Exhibitions (GE) Two person (2P)
- (S) "Yesterday will never end", DAC Dolceacqua Arte Contemporanea, Dolceacqua (IM) - Italy
- (GE) "FiveMyles benefit exhibition", FiveMyles, Brooklyn NY - June 15/ June 25
- (GE) Blurring Boundaries: Women of American Abstract Artists, 1936-Present, curated by Rebecca DiGiovanna, traveling show
Mattatuck Museum in Waterbury - Connecticut, May 7 - September 10
- (GE) ON BALANCE, New Work by American Abstract Artists, curated by Mary Birmingham at ART CAKE gallery in Brooklyn, NY
from April 15 through May 14
- (S) " Dialogo e memoria", MAT/tam59 (Manto Arte Temporanea), Tinelli di Palazzo Te, Mantova - Italy
- (GE) "CENTURY. idee Bauhaus", by dr. julius | ap, Berlin, is on view at the Palais Dubniczay of the House of Arts Museum in Veszprém, Hungary
as part of Kultur.Kontakt.Konkret - Selections from the collection of Carl-JÜrgen Schroth - from January 20 through April 2, 2023
- (GE) Blurring Boundaries: Women of American Abstract Artists, 1936-Present, curated by Rebecca DiGiovanna, traveling show
Escondido, California Center for the arts, December 3 - February 26
- (GE) Nel Frattempo#3 / Meanwhile#3 ", mostra arte contemporanea per il Comune di Valeggio s/Mincio, Verona
- (GE) Le Latitudini dell'Arte, Biennale Svezia_Italia V edizione, Palazzo Ducale in Genova, 15 luglio - 3 Settembre 2022
- (GE) Blurring Boundaries: Women of American Abstract Artists, 1936-Present, curated by Rebecca DiGiovanna, traveling show
LSU Museum of Art, Louisiana, July 14 - October 23 - https://www.lsumoa.org/blurringboundaries
- (GE) Digital prints AAA 2012-2019, Heron School of Art and Design, Indianapolis, Indiana
- (GE) Blurring Boundaries: Women of American Abstract Artists, 1936-Present, curated by Rebecca DiGiovanna, traveling show
Peeler Art Center, DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana
- (GE) FOUR INSTANCE, with Julie Evans - John Lippert - Lucio Pozzi - Hudson Hall, Hudson NY,
curated by Lucio Pozzi: September 4 - October 17
- (GE) Blurring Boundaries: Women of American Abstract Artists, 1936-2018 curated by Rebecca DiGiovanna, traveling show
at the Freedman Gallery at Albright College,Reading, Pennsylvania August 17 - December 5
- (GE) American Abstract Artists: Digital prints 2012-2019, Gallery at the Visual and Performing Arts Center, Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, Connecticut
- (GE) Blurring Boundaries: Women of American Abstract Artists, 1936-2018 curated by Rebecca DiGiovanna, traveling show
at the Baker Museum, Florida March 25 - July 23
- (S) " L'Infinito di un altrove ", Spazio E_EMME, Cagliari - Italy
- (GE) Blurring Boundaries: Women of American Abstract Artists, 1936-2018 curated by Rebecca DiGiovanna, traveling show
in South Bend Museum of Art, Indiana - from October 16 to January 3, 2021
- (S) "Forse penso al bianco" a SpazioArrivabene2, Mantua, Italy
- (S) "Fili in gioco" (Threads in play) rope installation a SpazioArrivabene2, Mantua, Italy
- (GE) "COLOR", Hal Bromm Gallery, New York, NY
2019/2020 - (GE) American Abstract Artists, Digital prints 2012-2019, Transmitter Gallery, Brooklyn NY
- (GE) Digital prints AAA 2012-2019, The Gallery at the Visual and Performing Arts Center, Western CT State University
- (2P) Two person show, with Kylie Heidenheimer - Galerie Gris, Hudson NY
- (S) Open Studio Hudson, self-guided tour of 40+ local artist's studio, organized by Jane Ehrlich, Hudson NY
- (2P) "Astratto-Realista", with Lucio Pozzi, Casa del Mantegna, Mantua - Italy
- (GE) "CENTURY. idee Bauhaus", dr. julius | ap, Berlin - Germany
- (GE) "FiveMyles 20th anniversary benefit", FiveMyles, Brooklyn NY
- (2P) Two person show, with Marina Cappelletto - Galerie Gris, Hudson NY
- (GE) " L'Artista Regala ", Spazio E_EMME, Cagliari - Italy
- (GE) invited to Premio Lissone 2018, Museo Arte Contemporanea, Monza - Italy, curator Alberto Zanchetta
- (GE) Blurring Boundaries: Women of American Abstract Artists, 1936-2018 curated by Rebecca DiGiovanna, traveling show
- Clara M Eagle Gallery, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky, September 27 to November 1;
- Ewing Gallery of Art Architecture, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, November 15 to December 10;
- (S) " Un altrove in questo luogo ", Spazio (In)Visibile, Cagliari - Italy
- (GE) February-March, RCM Gallerie, Paris - France
- (S) " Congiunzioni ", E20 - Pille37, Monzambano (VR) - Italy
- (GE) "10 WAYS", RCM Gallerie, Paris - France
- (GE) " Chromatic Space", Shirley Fiterman Art Center, New York - NY
- (GE) "10 WAYS", dr. julius | ap, Berlin - Germany
- (GE) '' Visible Histories '', Brian Morris Gallery and the Abrons Arts Center, New York, NY
- (GE) " The Onward of Art", Americas Art Gallery, New York - NY
- (GE) "Endless, Entire", FiveMyles Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
- (GE) "40: the Anniversary Exhibition", Hal Bromm Gallery, New York, NY
- (GE) "10 WAYS", Clement & Schneider Gallery, Bonn - Germany
- (GE) AOT Project Salon + AIR Spring Benefit, Brooklyn, NY
- (GE) "10 WAYS", Derbylius Gallery, Milano
- (GE) "Round up", BCBART Gallery, Hudson - NY
- (S) " IDEAL GARDEN ", BCBART Gallery, Hudson - NY
- (GE) " To Leo, A Tribute from American Abstract Artists ", Sideshow Gallery, Brooklyn, New York
- Collaboration with Lucio Pozzi in "The White Dream", Museum of Contemporary Art of Lissone (MI)
- (GE) 25th Invitational - New Arts Program, Kutztown, PA
- (GE) " Feral Objects ", CREON Gallery, New York - NY
- (GE) " Nocturnal ", BCBART Gallery, Hudson - NY
- (GE) " Winter Group Show ", BCBART Gallery, Hudson - NY
- (S) " A Single Multitude", Great Poor Farm Experiment 5, Waupaca County - Wisconsin
2012 - (S) " Ad un altro livello", MAT/tam13 (Manto Arte Temporanea), Mantova - Italy
- (GE) " Uno Spazio su Misura ", At Home, Milano
- (GE) " Nel Frattempo/Meanwhile #1", Valeggio s/Mincio (VR) - Italy
2010 - (GE) " Unità di misura...un battito di ciglia " per La Giornata del Contemporaneo, C.A.A.C., Bannata (Enna) Italy
2007 - Collaboration with Lucio Pozzi in “ Vado fuori all’aperto” Hortus Unicorni, Vetriolo (VT) - Italy
2013 - Great Poor Farm Experiment 5, Waupaca County - Wisconsin
2022 - " Nel Frattempo#3 / Meanwhile#3 ", mostra arte contemporanea per il Comune di Valeggio s/Mincio, Verona
2015 - " 10 WAYS ", Derbylius Libreria Galleria d'arte, Milano
- La bellezza in arte | Gli Amici del Meriggio
- Italianità, Contemporary Art Inspired by the Italian Immigrant Experience
- Biennale Le latitudini dell'arte - Svezia e Italia
- Le Latitudini dell'Arte, Biennale Svezia_Italia V edizione
https://m.youtube.com/watch? fbclid=IwAR166QuYjynNbmzUOdt4xx7uCI8MOxBsnc0vCoAXS0ECVrvaDh4jhm1F8Ng&v=Ad7LUxr_zfM&feature=youtu.be
- Libro d'artista, Oltre la misura/Beyond measure, ©Corraini editore, 2022
- Catalogue "Blurring Boundaries: The Women of American Abstract Artist, 1936 - Present",
published on the occasion of the 2018 exhibitions, Essay by Rebecca DiGiovanna, © Ewing Gallery of Art & Architecture
- http://www.exibart.com/notizia.asp?IDNotizia=59952
- http://americanabstractartists.org/current-members/
- L'unione Sarda, "Geometrie di un altrove: Sannai all'(In)visibile", April 2017, p.46
- Catalogue "The Onward of Art", published by American Abstract Artists, Essay by Karen Wilkin, 2016
- "10 WAYS", catalogue, American Abstract Artists group show, Derbylius Gallery - Milano
- interview by Richard Roth, radio station WGX, Hudson NY, Sept. 2014
- The Columbia Paper, "Ideal Garden opens at BCB Art”, Sept.11-2014, p.17
- http://www.wendypaton.com/users/WendyPaton9027/IMBY_cropped_highlight.pdf, Sept 2014
- Catalogo ART Verona, 6<10 October 2011, ( mention) p. 180<182
- Lorenza Sannai, catalogue 2012, publisher Aurora
- “Rural Intelligence”, magazine, mention, January 27, 2013
- Il Giornale dell’Arte, mention in “Torna il nero su nero” di Lucio Pozzi , p.13,
Edizione Alemandi , Sept. 2013